Institute of Information Systems and Digital Business (IWI-HSG)

With five chairs, the Institute of Information Systems and Digital Business (IWI-HSG) is one of the largest institutes at the University of St.Gallen. We have been researching business models and the application of digital technologies for more than 30 years. We always place people at the centre of our work. 

In addition to research, teaching is very important to us. We offer courses at all levels and supervise numerous theses. The success of our young academics is proof of our research and teaching performance.

Research Talks

Info events

Research Seminar: Theory, Theory Building and Theoretical Contribution

Prof Dr Daniel Schlagwein will be at the HSG in HS2024 as a visiting professor of the SoM. In this context, he is offering a research seminar on "Theory, Theory Building and Theoretical Contribution", to which HSG-researchers interested in the topic are invited. The workshop explores the foundational concepts of “theory” in Information Systems (IS) and business and organizational research more widely.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schlagwein
Seminarraum 52-6120