
Areas of Research

Our research focuses on designing digital and socio-technical innovations. The aim is to develop knowledge from basic research to application in the business world. This research is intended to make knowledge understandable and applicable to the general public, to promote digital change for the benefit of society. Our research topics include Artificial Intelligence, data management, digital work modalities, and user-centric innovation.

User-Centered Innovation


In a digital world, systems and digital tools, known as artifacts, must be aligned with user needs. The chair investigates how users can be involved in the design of information systems and explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on user interaction.

Service Systems


This concerns the design of services in a digital context. Cognitive automation, the use of AI to automate complex tasks, is examined to assist businesses in digital transformation.

Digital Work and Collaboration

Digital technologies are transforming work modalities and collaboration. The chair analyses these changes and develops new work concepts.

Data-driven Organisations and Platforms

The focus is on the use of data and AI in businesses. The aim is to create competitive advantages through intelligent technologies.

Privacy and Trust

In light of increasing data processing, the chair investigates how users can be educated about data protection and, in particular, trust building.

Digital Learning

The chair develops digital learning concepts that are used in both academic teaching and businesses to advance digitalization.

Main Research Areas
